Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : Philippe Pucheral, co-director of the DataScale master (UPSay), courses in M1 and M2 at UVSQ and at ENSIIE

  • Master: Nicolas Anciaux, Courses on database internal mechanisms and database security, 80, in Master1 and Master2 (AFTI, Orsay) and in engineering school (ENSTA ParisTech, Telecom Paristech)

  • Master : Luc Bouganim, Bases de données, 24, niveau M2, CFA AFTI/UVSQ, France

  • Master : Luc Bouganim, Systèmes d'information Privacy by Design, 54, niveau M2, ENSIIE, INSA CVL, France

  • Master : Luc Bouganim, Sécurité des bases de données, 10, niveau M2, Télécom ParisTech, France

  • Licence : Iulian Sandu Popa, Initiation aux bases de données (niveau L2), Bases de données (niveau L3), 96, UVSQ, France

  • Master : Iulian Sandu Popa, Bases de données relationnelles (niveau M1), Gestion des données spatiotemporelles (niveau M2), Sécurité des bases de données (niveau M2), 96, UVSQ, France

  • Master : Benjamin Nguyen, Databases, IA, Security, 192, INSA CVL, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Scerri, Fondements de l’informatique, 36, niveau L1, UVSQ, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Scerri, Initiation aux bases de données, 43.5, niveau L2, UVSQ, France

  • Master : Guillaume Scerri, Bases de données, 30, niveau M1, UVSQ France


  • PhD: Athanasia Katsouraki, Sharing and Usage Control of Personal Information, UVSQ, September 2016, Luc Bouganim and Benjamin Nguyen

  • PhD: Saliha Lallali, A Secure Search Engine for the Personal Cloud, UVSQ, January 2016, Nicolas Anciaux, Philippe Pucheral, and Iulian Sandu Popa

  • PhD: Dai Hai Ton That, Efficient Management and Secure Sharing of Mobility Traces, UVSQ, January 2016, Iulian Sandu Popa and Karine Zeitouni

  • PhD in progress : Paul Tran Van, Partage de documents sécurisé dans le Cloud Personnel, October 2014, Nicolas Anciaux and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Axel Michel, Secure Distributed Computations, October 2015, Benjamin Nguyen and Philippe Pucheral

  • PhD in progress : Julien Loudet, Personal Queries on Personal Clouds, July 2016, Luc Bouganim and Iulian Sandu Popa

  • PhD in progress : Riad Ladjel, Secure Distributed Computation for the Personal Cloud, October 2016, Nicolas Anciaux and Philippe Pucheral


  • Philippe Pucheral: member of the PhD jury of Mahsa Najafzadeh (Paris VI, 22/04/2016)

  • Benjamin Nguyen: reviewer of the PhD of Tarek SAYAH, Exposition sélective et problème de fuite d'inférence dans le Linked Data, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, 2016/09/08

  • Benjamin Nguyen: reviewer of the PhD of Germain JOLLY, Evaluation of payment applications on smart cards, Université de Caen/ENSICAEN, 2016/07/08

  • Benjamin Nguyen: reviewer of the PhD of Julien LOLIVE, Entrelacement des mécanismes d'identification et de respect de la vie privée pour la protection des contenus externalisés, Télécom Bretagne, 2016/05/13

  • Benjamin Nguyen: president and reviewer of the PhD jury of Karina SOKOLOVA, Bridging the gap between Privacy by Design and mobile systems by patterns, Université Technologique de Troyes, 2016/04/27